Sunday, January 10, 2010

The group of pictures below are from the holiday I went on with my host family. We went to a small village called Werfenwang. The closet big city is Salzburg. We were there in an old cottage which has been passed down several generations. Heidi my host mom's sister and her family were also there. We spent the 10 days skiing and eating. It seems like there is always someone in the kitchen cooking. The scary looking guys with the masks are called Krampos or Perchten. They dress up in big costumes and hit you with either branches or a type of whip.. It actually hurts pretty bad. I'm not sure why they hit you, but they have giant bells that jingle when they walk. The purpose of the bells are to scare away winter... I'm looking outside now and I don't think it worked. 

1 comment:

  1. Well, it certainly worked over here: we haven't had winter since some time in December. Had a nice visit with your parents the other day. Sounds like all is well with you; your photos are amazing.
